Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Heartcat 14th of October

Blimey, Mummy took me up and went straight to a warm bath. She scrubbed me with some strong soap spunge, then she dried me and put on this Emla cream on my hands (with Timothys help because Daddy was too out of it :O)and feet. It was 6.00 in the morning and I was gobsmacked!! Anyways it seemed to be an exciting day. Mummy took me out to the car, packed in all our things and we went off to the hospital after some cuddles with Daddy.

At the hospital we went in to our room and waited for the staff to give me some sedatives. When they arrived (they had made sure my dose was big enough)they gave me it and waited.
Mummy- We took out James to the x-ray unit in his cot 08.10. James was drunk talking and screaming on the way to the heratcat/x-eay unit. We had many giggles the staff and I. When we arrived Dr Olof and the other staff greeted us and I put James down on the"bed". A gave James a kiss on his forehead and said I love you and then his face was with the nurse who put a mask over his face. I held his hand and James started licking inside the mask and then he slept. I said thankyou and went out with the 67staff. Thankfully it i nothing that upsets me, leaving James with them totally sedated. I can relax, being my silly self. Otherwise I would have refused to go through the procedure without Nigel by my side. If it had been an emergency and I had for some reason had to be rushed to surgery, then it is a totaly different matter!

I went to 67 to have breakfast, watched tv and then went in to Malin and Filip.We had a very nice time.Filip is a real charmer, bless is heart.When it came to 11.00 I asked the staff (I had been told 2 hours totally)if it was normal for it to last, I started to be a little worried. They said it was ok and the time could be 12.00 before he was finnished.12.40 the call came and I rushed up to the preop unit.

James was sound asleep. I noticed the doctor had still not been able to put a needle in James´s hand he had to put it on his head. He had a heavy pressure on his groin where they had made the enterance by the catheter and the other place was his on his neck, but there they could put stitches. James was worried and moved around and he started leaking from the manchet in his groin. The nurse paniced and the ass nurse calmed her (blimey).
The nurse had probaly not worked there for long. Anyways we were there for about 3 hours.Some time after that James quickly pulled out the needle from his head and it looked like Stockholms bloodbath for a while, blood everywhere and some cleaning of James was needed.

Dr Sven came to give the results and everything was fine, no worries with high pressure or anyting!!!The the staff came and we rolled James cot back to his room. James quickly wanted to come out from his cot, so i put him in a push chair and we went in to Malin and Filip for a while. Malin blew soapbubbles again, wwweeehii James thought it was lot if fun!!

Later James stayed to entertain the staff whilst I popped down and bought something for me to have for tea.

James was doing fine for the rest of the evening.I knew we could go home again the next day.

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