Tuesday, 4 November 2008

29th of October-Elliotts birthday-England-New Heart!!

Finally the day had arrived for our trip to England. The ones going; Nigel,Neville, Mårten, Colin, James and I.Originally it were only Nigel, James and I going by plane but it was so expensive we could rather take the car with more children to visit Nana and Grandad and so we could do some Christmas shopping!! We had celebrated Elliott the day before so he was not neglected ;O).
Nigel had of course to work so I was the one handling the packing for all the children, not to say the least James who could use his own truck ;O).

Every morning since we had left the hospital I gave a little pray that Filip would have his new heart. I opened Outlook and there was an email from another "heartchild mother". She wrote that she had been smsed that Filip had his new heart during that night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. What a happy day!! It was impossible to hold my tears back. I logged in to Filips homepage, but of course Malin had not had the time to update the website. I could not hold myself I had to ask how the prince was doing, so I called up Malin. Congratulating, happy crying and kisses to Filip from us.HE WAS DOING MARVEOUSLY!!! What a releif!!!! It was with a lot of happiness we went off in the car to England. The children and us had looked forward to it very much!!

We were on the road at 16.00. All the kids were great! Obviosuly, when we came to the bridge over to Denmark Neville asked if we were at Nana and Grandads now :O). James slept most of the way, watched Teletubbies and played with his toys. Colin and Mårten Played Nintendo DS and Neville was looking excited out the window. A wee stop in Holland. The kids were deeply asleep in the back. Nigel and I shifted driving. Of course I had to drive the last way through Belgium-France to Calaise. Blimming heck!! Straight on 150km and then straight again 80km etc. Mårten was a life saver who was sitiing the front with me , hahahha. He was jibbi jabbing as usual. Many lanes and very tight ones, I was happy when we reached the train for the Eurotunnel. We had to wait an hour for the next train and it was a good oppurtunity for another wee moment and nappy change :O).Colin and Neville were very excited going by car on a train.

It was now the next day about 04.00.

1 comment:

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

Hi James - thank you for your message on my blog! Feel free to put a link from yours to mine - we like having lots of visitors!
Glad that everything went well with your catheter - it sounds like you were very brave.
I am having my birthday party tomorrow, because I was five on Wednesday. I am very excited!
Thank you for visiting my blog - we'll come back and visit yours again!
Love, Charlie x