Friday, 15 February 2008

Thursday 30th of January RS-virus Day 6

The doctors had discussions about soon try and reduce oxygen. They would let him be this day, but he was already doing better. Saturation looked better and I tried to count out when we possible could be able to get ourselves back home again. I missed normal life. James cried much of pain in the morning the assistant nurse said she would try and put a colon catheter and see if it helped him. James screamed himself blue. Until the catheter was put in, it really helped him. He instantly stopped crying and started baby talking happily. Poor baby it was heartbreaking to hear him cry in such pain. It was devastating to realise James had not the strength to pooh by himself. He was helped with it several times. He woke up screaming and a lot of air and pooh came out instantly when they helped him. It hurt me to see why I had been hysterically crying at home. He needed to empty is colon several times a day instead of one to make him feel better.
Nigel came over with E, C and N. It was wonderful to see them!! We went over to the playroom, Elliott made his homework and they watched a movie for a bit. I had missed them and missed them so much, but emotionally I was so much up in James. N went bored stiff after a while and longed home to Nana and Granddad. It made me happy, since he did not suffer missing me madly and he actually had a nice time at home just as the other big boys with Nana and Granddad.
I took the boys over to check out from the patient hotel. Since he was feeling better they would not have staff with him during the night. The boys thought it was both fun and scary to walk underground to the hotel, a bit dangerous thought with the trucks coming in high speed. It exited N. Nigel watched over James of course.
When sleep time arrived. The alarm was placed out in the hall so the staff would here the alarm if James saturation went too low. They put an apné alarm on James so I could sleep without worries. It was not a calm night.

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