Friday, 15 February 2008

Sunday the 3rd of February- Obstructive Bronchitis- Day 9

I woke up 07.45. Blimey did I sleep? I felt like a zombie. Assistant nurse Ingrid was with James and she had put him on the scale. She is really a sweet person and she fixed things for James, did her controls and James had inhalations. First Ventoline, Pulmicort and later adrenalin.
Dr Eva came in and I asked her what James had now and she said it is Obstructive Bronchitis. I know what that can mean. Elliott had it as a baby and it usually starts with a RS-virus as it did for Elliott and James. Meaning if we are unlucky James can have airway problems every time he becomes sick or have a cold. If we are lucky he won´t have it more or just a couple of times. Me? I see many more days on and off in the hospital, but then I paint the devil on the wall :o).
Ingrid asked if I wanted a nap and she offered to babysit James fro 13.00-15.00 I gratefully went in to another room for some rest. When I woke up Nigel and the gang had arrived. Mum and Dad had bought Mårten a birthday cake we all enjoyed. His birthday is on Monday the 4th of February.
In the evening James needed help with his tummy, inhalations and he was really anxious so the nurse gave him a sedative called kloralhydrat.

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