Monday, 26 October 2009

"Lovebly, lovebly"..........

Yes the "Lovebly" song continous :O)!! James certainly inheritaded his fathers musical talents singing high and loud to everyone who wants to hear or not ;O)!

1 comment:

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...


Thanks for your email. It goes without saying that we will be keeping all of you - James especially - in our thoughts and prayers over the coming days. Please let us know how things are going if you get a minute - we will be hoping that everything goes really smoothly, and that James is back home (with lots more energy and looking really pink!) in super-quick time.

With much love to all of you,

Alison X

PS Charlie sends a high-five to James!

PPS I sent this message as an email too, but thought I'd post it here as well because I know my emails sometimes don't get through to you!