Friday, 12 February 2010


Have a look out on Mummys homepage. soon more photos coming up of me :O)!

11th of February- Mummy on radio

I reporter called me a week back and asked if she could interview me live on a program call the "Lunchbox" on P4 Malmöhus. She had read the article about James in Femina plus she hade googled my name and come over my photos. So she wanted to interview me bot about as a mother to many and a heartchild and as a photographer.
Blimey I was so nervous, but it was lots of fun as well since the reporter Sofia was really easy and fun to talk to :O)! Here it is :O).


January- James is in Sydsvenskan and Femina!


James is up to a lot of monkey business :O)!!

"WHAT A MESS"!!! I as usaal expression from both James and us hahahaha! If I turn my back on him he is up to trouble our little "Dennis" ;O)!!

A week back I was folding laundry and James walk away playing with a car. Suddenly I thought it was tioo quiet and went after him to look what he was up to. I heard a splatting sound and a "wow wow wow" from TIMOTHYS ROOM!!! Ok first of the children are supposed to close their door to their room, and not have schampoo bottle on their floor. James had squished at alot and was dragging his aroun in circles in the gueee. When James so me he said " OH NO WHAT A MESS" and gave me a bright smile. He ended up inte the bath which he was very pleased abpout, he smeeled lovely after since  it was and Axe schampoo he had used, a bit too much of a male smell maybe hahhahaha ;O).

Finally finished I went back to the laundry and James walked around me and went out in the kitchen and I heard him talk to himself. I thought ono whatis he up to now. I came out in the kitchen and he had pushed a chair to the kitchen top, climped up and was stuffing his face with cherry tomatoes (almost the only thing he eats except formula, tomatoes :O). The juice and  peeps was pooring out from his mouth all over him and the chair, when he saw me a bright smile on his face :O)! Hahhahahaah, another change of clothes.It lovely to see his happiness of life :O)!!


James starts walking in late January :O)!!

FINALLY JAMES STARTS WALKING :O)!! WE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO PROUD!!! It is wobbly like a little "Frankenstein walk" but absolutely fantastic!!