Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Time is flying

I am sorry my little darling, your Mummy mamma has not had the time to update your blog. You have been to UK and all since last time I wrote :O)! (Photos will come up soon). You had a lovely time at Nanna & Grandads with Mårten, Emil and Sofia. Well Dad and I was around as well. But I went to a UK wedding ¨photo course, Daddy joined me and we met up with lovely friends in the evening. We where away for two days.
You just loved it when we went to Bressinhams http://www.bressingham.co.uk/content/whatson.aspx amusement park with lots of steam engines, woohooo it was the highlite of your little life, bless you :O)!!!

Nan was so happy to see you again, last time was during your Christening.

Yes time is flying and Mummy feels guilty, starting up my own photography business take A LOT OF TIME. But tomorrow is a big day for you!You & I are going to meet the headmaster (you have not started yet and already called in ;O) and a special needs therapist. We will talk, so they can descide how much extra help/hours you will need :O). I can see how much you long now to play with friends your own age. In August when you start, there will be many happy tears, to see you at daycare, wow it is amazing :O)!

We love you our little prince!! I love your twinkle in your eyes when you are up to monkey business ;O)! You sooo look like your Daddy and so acts like your Mummy, in many ways.

Ohh you had some new shoes from the orthopedrics to help you with your feets position. It will take a good time for you to walk without problems. When you are tired you lose you balance often, thankfully it is nothing neurological, it is the weak muscles in your legs.

You dare to taste a little bit more, but still it is "mulk" you prefer.

You are speaking more and more now (english), you surprise me often. Yesterday you said " I can´t" and something else, I´ve forgotten now.

We love you :O)!!


Saturday, 10 April 2010

Peg is out :O)! 29th of March

I had a bit of a cry afterwards :O)! A big releif :O)! For some time back I could not see that we ever could take it away. I was the one contacting the staff saying we had no use of it, but of course it needed maintanance anyways. The doctors and nutritionists gave it the go a head :O)!! It hardly leaked at all, a couple of hours later the hole was very tiny. It still leaks a tuny amount so have to wait and see if it need a stitch.

We were in the ward 67 to just say hello to girls/and boys of course ;O). in the corridor there was about ten women from a hospital up north whom were visiting. James walked in between them with his "leather" pilot jacket and a jeans cap on the side of his head. They all lined up and he sung, "WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU!" and duch duch doff sounding like drums in the end of it, and closing with a cluck of his tounge. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! They laughed loudlu of course and James LOVED the attention rolling his eyes smilinge running in between a couple of times more for attention. I will be surprised if he wont be on stage growing up :O). HAHHAAHAHA! Hugggggggggz

Monday, 15 March 2010

We will, we will ROCK YOU-clock

Time is flying and James is singing! He LOVES to sing WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU- then he puts his tongue on the roof of his mouth doing clock sound, hahahahahaa :O)!

Walking-James is now walking more, he has his own style, a wobbly walk ;O). It will take time for James’s muscles in his legs to be strong enough. So to compensate his muscles and balance he has his own walk, his feet point (pronates)a bit out to the sides as well so he will have special shoes and sandals made up for him now, so he does not stay that way. Of course all natural things. James was extremely much in a hospital bed as a baby and he refused to even stand on his feet at all until he was approx. a year old :O).

FOOD-oh my gravy ;O). James now eats; apples (balls he calls them), pear, bananas, tomatoes (of course), yogurt when he is in the mood, his "MULK" (Infantrini formula), last week he tried some spaghetti after I made a "Lady and the Tramp" slurp for him ;O), sometimes a bit of a toast :O).Ok snacks and sweets are no problem OF COURSE ;O).

We are crossing our fingers he will have a bigger interest in food soon, hopefully the day-care will help :O)! But he has so many siblings that he has seen eating so the hospital staff said it is not very likely it will start to approve because of that. At least they said they never had an 7 year old only eating "mulk" ;O)!!!! However, of course we are grateful, James IS EATING BY HIMSELF! I can´t wait for them to take the peg out now, what a remarkable step forward :O)!!

Soon James will go and se his Nanna & Grandad and NAN whom he has not seen since his Uk Christening!!! It is going to be LOVELY! Mårten, Emil, Sofia, James and us two old ones is going over for a week by car :O)!

Friday, 12 February 2010


Have a look out on Mummys homepage. http://www.malinward.com/ soon more photos coming up of me :O)!

11th of February- Mummy on radio

I reporter called me a week back and asked if she could interview me live on a program call the "Lunchbox" on P4 Malmöhus. She had read the article about James in Femina plus she hade googled my name and come over my photos. So she wanted to interview me bot about as a mother to many and a heartchild and as a photographer.
Blimey I was so nervous, but it was lots of fun as well since the reporter Sofia was really easy and fun to talk to :O)! Here it is :O). http://www.sr.se/topsy/ljudfil/2202233.mp3


January- James is in Sydsvenskan and Femina!


and http://sydsvenskan.se/inpalivet/article621354/James-tredje-operation-ger-familjen-Ward-lite-vanligare-liv.html

James is up to a lot of monkey business :O)!!

"WHAT A MESS"!!! I as usaal expression from both James and us hahahaha! If I turn my back on him he is up to trouble our little "Dennis" ;O)!!

A week back I was folding laundry and James walk away playing with a car. Suddenly I thought it was tioo quiet and went after him to look what he was up to. I heard a splatting sound and a "wow wow wow" from TIMOTHYS ROOM!!! Ok first of the children are supposed to close their door to their room, and not have schampoo bottle on their floor. James had squished at alot and was dragging his aroun in circles in the gueee. When James so me he said " OH NO WHAT A MESS" and gave me a bright smile. He ended up inte the bath which he was very pleased abpout, he smeeled lovely after since  it was and Axe schampoo he had used, a bit too much of a male smell maybe hahhahaha ;O).

Finally finished I went back to the laundry and James walked around me and went out in the kitchen and I heard him talk to himself. I thought ono whatis he up to now. I came out in the kitchen and he had pushed a chair to the kitchen top, climped up and was stuffing his face with cherry tomatoes (almost the only thing he eats except formula, tomatoes :O). The juice and  peeps was pooring out from his mouth all over him and the chair, when he saw me a bright smile on his face :O)! Hahhahahaah, another change of clothes.It lovely to see his happiness of life :O)!!


James starts walking in late January :O)!!

FINALLY JAMES STARTS WALKING :O)!! WE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO PROUD!!! It is wobbly like a little "Frankenstein walk" but absolutely fantastic!!

Monday, 4 January 2010

At Home

Everything went well :O)! James was allowed home on leave the 13th f November and he was disharged 16th of November :O)!! It is very quick, but if James hadn´t had the small tummysurgery he would have been home earlier. There was some smaller complications with a lot of pain for poor James, so of course the docotrs kept him for observations. The other reasin was their was higher risk of infections in his abdomen. James was however not happy in the hospital and he was not impressed with me :O(! It showed when Daddy came, James felt he could not trust me completely since I was the one allowing the painful medicine and examinations. He had a lot of stress within him, and nothing strange with it. When we came home on the Friday he was all happy, jumped up in the sofa and watched some tv. After about half an hour, James suddenly just started crying, totally devestated heartbreaking cry, coming out from the blue. James had been very angry the last couple of days in hospital, chasing me with the bobbycar sometimes hitting after my legs. Nothing he would do normally and nothing I would except normally, it was a release for him. Back home in the sofa he just let go of all his feelings and started crying, poor little man could not speak and tell us things
:O(. Nigel and I held him for a long time comforting him, I cried with James. Personally I think it must be the worst age to have surgery when it comes to age. So old you can remember things but do not coprehend what is happening and why and tell how you feel :O(!
It was rough first weeks. At first because James was early home and risk of infections, he had medicines at 6.00 7.00 14.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 02.00. Nigel was working abroad ALOT during rest of November into December. James did not sleep much he HAD HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES :O(! He just woke up screaming, with nightfright, when he was asleep it was a worried sleep. So I did not hardly sleep at all.Of course we have 4 to 7 (depending on which week) more children than James that need love and affecions.These weeks I felt like and horrible bonus/Mum of course I did cope properly. Except for this there was alot of times James needed to go to hospital for PF test and controls to check so he did not start collecting fluid. I am otherwise a cheerful go lucky person but when December came and closer to Christmas I felt like a dishrag, hahahahaha, not really funny but life is tough sometimes, even if your dream came true, your beautiful child survived :O)! WE ARE SOOOOOOOOO LUCKY AND FORTUNATE :O)! There is not a day I do not thank God for our blessings :O)!
When we came home a card had arrived from my friend Tina, she is also a heart mother :O)! It made me cry :O)! She had drwan a teddy vear with a red heart that hade been mended with stitches :O)! So beautiful, she had made it herself, it ment lots and lots :O)! James will have it on his wall as soon as his room is finished :O)!
James has more energy :O)! Of course I joked and asked the doctor if we could have a pill for him for his energy ;O) or a pill for me ;O). HAHHAHAHAHHAA, what is life without humour ;O)??
Sorry it is so long between the blogs, but there is always so much happening here, I will fill in :O)!
Lots of love, Malin