As Mummy and photographer I have been busy this week. I had my first proper photoshoot request :O)!!! I hade offered three photos with James holding a heart in his hands to the heart child fund here in Sweden if they had in use for it the could use, since I took them to hope help raising money for the fund. Honestly, I did not think they would be interested. But they were :O). first they asked if they could use on the front of their magazine and maybe have another one inside magazine, guess who was over the moon ;O). Anyways a couple of weeks later I had an email from a woman working on Hjärtebarnsförbundet and she asked if I hade more photos and if it would be ok if I they printed them up as greetingcards and sold them for the benefit og the heart child fund :O)!! So that was what I was doing during this whole week. But poor James fell ill, had a bad cold and did not want to be infront of the camera, or should I put even less infront of the camera ;O). I managed to take some and with some creativity it worked out. A good friend of mine Chatrine has a heartchild as well and I hade taken photos of Maximoz just the week before, so I knew he did not mind sitting still infront of the camera. I took my chances and asked if they would consider having their son on some of postcards, they were happy to help out :O)!! So we went their on this Thursday. Maximoz was not hundred percent and James was not happy at all during the time we were visiting and crying all the time :O(!! When we arrived home he was even worse poor little man, he had sky high fever :O(. Since James has and Immunology problem against viruses we have been instructed tio drive to the child emergency and take a test for the Swine flu. We were standing outside like plaigs waiting for the nurse, James was happily talking in the pushchair and I was feeling like a fool gping since he was so vitally well, but still I knew no chances we want to take! The male nurse who arrived att the door looked sceptical, I told him about James and how it was necessary to check him up. The nurse still looked sceptical, but was quite infomed when he came back ;O). Appearently when he put in James personal numbers a big warning came up on the screen. He asked us to walk around the hospital to the isolationunit, We had been there several times before so we headed over there and rang the bell. We were let in, not long after two aliens and Donald Duck came inside the room. The female nurse and female didoctor hade protection over eyes, plastic wrapped all around and the male nurde hade a moutH protection I have never seen before and most probably will never see again (since they refuse to wear them otherwise ;o), but they were out of the proper ones. It was shaped like a ducks, hhahahahahaa!! Of course with my sense of humour I could not be quiet ;O). James was shocked, he usually screams when they take out the stetoscoped but he just stared at them, adn I referred to Donald Duck infront of him ;O). Anyways quickly the dotor saw that James had double earinfections and a very sore throat. So no bloodtest needed. He was described a new pencillin and he will not take the other one whilst he is using the new one.
Before the pencillin kicked in, James was worse during Friday and Saturday. He ate minimal, vomiting as he usually does when he is ill and coughing a lot. On the Saturday his nappy was so dry I decided not to give him his Impugan, since he had eaten badly for two days, I was scared his bloodpressure would become too low.James has his button, but it rarely works to use now, he is pulling and screaming and vomiting. Poor little man could not sleep either even if he still had sky high fever. He was placed on his thrown in my lap, poor Daddy was not able to help out, since he was not allowed by James. When 2.00pm arrived I still thought it was nuts to give him Impugan, but I wanted to be in the clear with a doctor, so I called the child cardiology unit ward 67 in Lund. Thankfully, James doctor Peter Munkhammar was on the shift. I came clean and said I had not given James the Impugan and it had happened in the past as well that I hade put out one dose if he was ill not not keeping food down.I had called the ward about 50 times since he was born and had the same reply, do not give him the dose. I said to Peter it did not make sense to give James Impugan and asked if he agreed. Of course he did ;O) he told me to put it out completely then he gave me his normal praise as a parent, he is a self asteem booster this doctor ;O). We went on to books as we usually do, he takes his time and are very rarely short and stressed :O)!! Then we talked about the flu vaccine the media hysteria etc etc.
James had a higher dose of Impugan a couple of weeks ago since he often looked like a boxer and with only two doses he leaked theough everything for a week. So with him it is easy to see (except for empty bottles ;O) when it is time to give him Impugan again. I gave him his first dose today (read Monday 5th), back on track!!!!!! James did not even have a nap today, he is probably sick and tired of being still ;O).